“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.” – Greg AndersonCEOs – May is Mental Health Awareness Month. There is no better time to start implementing a mental wellness program for your team. We have special workshops happening this month – send me a message for details on how we can work with your organization. Let’s shift from a culture of stress to a culture of well-being! Does your team have tools for overcoming stress and anxiety? Do they feel valued and supported by your organization? In this testimonial, Mark Lancaster, CEO & Founder of EG Workforce Solutions talks about his experience and success with SattvaMe Wellness Program.
Setting Boundaries at Work
The desire to be seen as a valuable member of the team, hard-working, and dedicated, can open the door to unhealthy workplace boundaries.
These unhealthy workplace boundaries can show up in SO many ways that we don’t even realize. Mainly because we think we’re being helpful or showing how selflessly committed we are.
Here are a few ways you might be falling into this trap:
⚡️Doing others work
⚡️Checking or responding to emails after hours
⚡️Not taking time off
⚡️Not taking breaks
⚡️Working longer hours consistently
⚡️Allowing work to interfere with personal/family time
⚡️Always being available
⚡️Taking on more than you can manage
⚡️Not asking for help when you need it
Making a living is important, but it is not the be-all-end-all of our lives. Be mindful that you aren’t sacrificing time with your family or jeopardizing your mental well-being!
Quieting the Mind 🧠
Moving the body and using the breath to access deeper silence and clarity of the mind. Great for practicing in the evening or when having a hard time falling asleep (minus the twists).
Pause. Breathe. Be Well.
A quote to reflect on: